Interplay between the Formation of an Arbitration Agreement and the Sales Contract under the CISG
Investment Arbitrations Ready to Land on Florence Airport?
Key Spain Supreme Court's case law in relation with the formation of a valid arbitration agreement
A Critique of EU’s Double Standards on Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in BITs and DTTs
Brexit: Screaming for Vengeance? Enforcing Intra-EU Arbitral Awards in the Post-Brexit UK
Bilateral Investment Treaties: An Underestimated Opportunity for Somaliland
Oil & Gas: Is Italy Doing It Wrong All Over Again?
A Model Clause for a New Kind of Final Offer Arbitration in International Commercial Arbitration
“Final-Offer Arbitration”: A Procedure to Save Time and Money?
A Debate About the Not So Straightforward Applicability of the Articles on State Responsibility